Published in Nanaimo Magazine & Voyager Magazine - January 2016
The New Year ushers in opportunities to reflect and begin anew. My recent painting expeditions have been filled with the excitement of being immersed in Mother Nature's wonder! As ever, the wilderness calls me, echoing the famed naturalist John Muir's lines: “Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves. ” The sun is shining today, and winter's temperature is chilly, the outdoors beckons me to begin another Art Adventure celebrating 2016!
The complexities of the human world ignore the simplicity to be found in the beauty and serenity of the natural environment. While often taken for granted, the exquisite details of nature are ever-present, juxtaposed with the panoramas of glorious scenery. I recently had the good fortune to spend time with author Graeme Pole ( A generous, kind, and humble man of extraordinary outdoor capability; he has written skillfully and extensively on topics of the Rocky Mountains, from hiking, railway, history and geology, to flora and fauna. In his writing he captures the “voices of explorers, mountaineers, artists, entrepreneurs, and administrators...” Graeme has inspired me to expand my horizons and take a further leap in my painting journey.
This year, as a Signature Member of Artists for Conservation, and Resident Artist of Morrell Nature Sanctuary, I renew and extend my support to Mother Nature by continuing to contribute my time and work to preserving this land I love. I invite you to join me!