Published January 2018 in Nanaimo Magazine and Voyager Magazine
Things that have never been… imagine the exciting possibilities this concept embraces! It encourages us to be free to choose a new canvas in any size we like. It gives us permission to push our paint brushes in any direction. We are at liberty to paint the future with any or all colours that inspire us. It encourages us to embrace our imaginations and to be creative!
Creativity opens our minds to dreaming. The realization of a dream begins with visualizing the dream fulfilled. We set our goals high and shoot for new stars. But what visions do we see, what stars shall we aim for, what journeys shall we take? What specifically would that dream look like if it were real?
I begin with meditation. I allow positive energy to stream grand thoughts and new ideas into my consciousness. Next, I pause and reflect, selecting only the notions that appeal to my sensitivities; those that align with the beliefs and values I hold dear. Then with pencil in hand, I set specific, measurable goals and objectives that will transport my dreams into reality. My success will be determined by the clarity of my vision, how closely I have aligned my dreams to my heart’s desire, and the consistency with which I apply myself to meeting my goals and objectives.
Paint your New Year full of things that have never been, and bring your dreams to life!