Published May 2023 in Nanaimo Magazine and Voyager Mag
Through inspiration and personal interest, I settle down to explore how I might portray a specific subject. It starts with the question: “What do I want to say?” Once I have decided on the subject, the question: “How will I do this?” comes into play. Thumbnail sketches are helpful here. Then, colour choices, and many other decisions. Next, I block in the large shapes with paint and begin a process of refinement which leads to the painting coming to life.
While painting, I naturally meander over to the right side or ‘creative’ side of my brain. I can enjoyably and absent-mindedly get carried away putting in detail in areas of the painting that go way past a supportive role status. This can derail the intention and focus of a painting and take up a lot of extra time. When I unconsciously slip back into the ‘logical’ side of my brain, or the left side, I immediately see what I’ve done. I’ve drifted off into that neverland of line, colour, shape, and value, which is a meditative state for me, and realize I’ve not given my subject its due. “What was I thinking?” Well, about other things, I guess.
Back on track, there is some undoing and movement forward, until a clear visual statement appears on the canvas. Paint what inspires you, what you know and love, and you will always do well. Happy Painting!