Published March 2021 in Nanaimo Magazine and Voyager Mag
From my travels, I also remember exquisite Jacaranda trees lining the streets of a large city, releasing their purple blossoms in pools of ‘purple rain’ softening the streets below. There are many ornamental cherry trees contributing a warm, rosy glow to our neighbourhood pleasures. As Spring has now arrived, I’m thinking about painting flowers. Their bright colours and stunning displays are a vote of confidence for life. There is such an ‘avenue’ of cherry trees where I now live, that line the waterfront walk-way, filling it with fragrance and white cherry blossoms in spring.
With comforting sunshine on my back and stirring memories in my heart, I will take a stroll and enjoy the gentle snowfall of pretty flower petals, enchanting the pathways in our local gardens and parks. I encourage you to follow my lead. Cheers, Patricia