Published January 2017 in Nanaimo Magazine and Voyager Magazine
“Make each day your masterpiece.” What a great idea from John Wooden.
This month, as I review my dreams and set new goals, I’ve decided to do just that! The New Year carries hope and joy into each day along with a sense of immediate appreciation of our efforts. While success requires a look back and a view to the future, I feel it is important to center ourselves in the now. Living in the moment can help us find that masterpiece.
Engaging in this thought pattern enhances our flexibility when evaluating opportunities as they come up, and encourages us to achieve balance through immediate awareness of cause and effect. After all, this day is the only one we really have. Being conscious of the immediate allows us to take the best decisions as the day unfolds and life’s challenges present themselves. Like many people, some days I make humble strides forward and some days, giant leaps. There are also days I feel less fruitful. But, perseverance and renewed enthusiasm ensure I’m not held back for long!
I structure my creative process into my daily routine and paint with passion and skill. It increases my ability to accomplish more because I pay close attention to the things I find important. I try to organize my tasks in order of priority each day, including those I can easily accomplish, those that I can get a good start on, and those that will need more time to complete, as well as a few tasks that are on-going. With care and attention to my art making process, and harmonizing it with the other demands on my time, I am able to achieve my goals.
Make each day your masterpiece and experience the satisfaction and gratitude that comes from a life fully lived – one moment at a time.