The scenery in the Revelstoke area is magnificent. We camped at Williamson Lake and canoed around the lake while enjoying the warm evenings.
It was a 45 minute drive, with more than 18 hair pin turns, along the Meadows in the Sky Parkway to the top of Mt. Revelstoke. The last kilometre of roadway was closed to vehicles due to snow. So, we hiked the steep narrow road to the trails at the end of the road. We joined several like-minded tourists on our hike. The alpine snows were fast melting and the terrain was saturated with running water everywhere across the landscape. It was imperative to stay on the trails to avoid sinking into the quagmire.
These conditions brought out the worst in the hungry mosquitoes and large black and white hornets that constantly buzzed around our faces and heads, skillfully avoiding our flailing arms. Even with bug spray, they landed on us voraciously searching for a meal. Hiking uphill was a good workout at 6500 feet but the spectacular views and alpine scenery were worth the effort.
We'll do more painting next time when there are less bugs to contend with.