Published December 2017 in Nanaimo Magazine and Voyager Magazine
The Turkish poet, Orhan Pamuk once said “Painting is the silence of thought and the music of sight”. This is a lovely comparison that many artists would embrace. A painting has the power to suspend our thoughts as we enjoy the harmony of an image. If we quiet our judgement that defines and explains, we can really see the visual song that is presented to us in a painting. Weather it is the melody of aspen leaves shimmering on a summer breeze, the repeating chorus of ocean waves, the stark cry of an eagle or the hymn of a morning sunrise, a painting can bring music to our eyes.
While travel and education expand our horizons in all directions, we retain many of our old traditions and add more from our community. Sharing our good fortune, our experiences, and our humanity, brings joy and meaning into our own lives as well as the lives of others. It is through my artwork that I share my inspiration, experiences, and memories for all to enjoy. This has become one of my traditions.
I invite you to share your own unique traditions this festive season and may you enjoy the “silence of thought and the music of sight.”