Published July 2020 in Nanaimo Magazine and Voyager Magazine
Sometimes the flood of ideas and subjects is so rich and diverse, that I write them down for future art works. This exercise declutters my mind and helps me focus on just one subject at a time. Once the art muse is summoned I am in the ‘zone’ and ready to choose my subject and the story I want to tell my audience. I then pick the appropriate canvas size and shape. Next, I decide on the painting medium – for example, which medium would portray the subject best – oil, acrylic or another painting medium.
When I paint landscapes, I also envision the time of year, the weather, and the mood and feelings I hope to conjure for the viewer. Colour and value choices are important. The sketching process begins with a few, small, varied pencil sketches rendered using light, medium and dark values. This provides the information required to determine if the composition is working. The muse is with me and the painting process is in full swing. Possibilities and creativity abound. Cheers! Patricia