Published November 2016 in Nanaimo Magazine, Voyager Magazine & EyesOnBC Magazine
Conscious, regular access to positive memories compels us to look from our hearts towards a greater perspective outside ourselves. Inspiring visions of nature have the ability to fill us with hope and motivation to transcend the challenges of life and move us to accomplish important things. Utilize whatever creatively moves you to nourish your soul and small ripples will fan out to become waves of healing for countless others.
Creativity begins within a moment in time that is observed wide-eyed and absorbed with every detail noted on my canvas. Meditation in my studio unlocks the mental filing cabinet bringing additional visions forth. A calm force transfers knowledge and skill through the brushes held in my hand. It is an Art Adventure of a most intimate kind. And It is in sharing these images, the positive energy and emotions stimulated by such beauty, that the true work of my artist soul is fulfilled. “The creation of Art is not what you see, it what you make others see.” said Edgar Degas.