Published October 2019 in Nanaimo Magazine and Voyager Magazine
These thoughtful stories encouraged decision making and taught that outcomes were based on each decision made. Each choice immediately changed the activities, adventures, and even the characters, as well as the end of the story. Compromise and change were inherent in the process. It was fun to watch my son’s enthusiasm each time we would go back and explore what would have happened if he had made a different decision.
What great training this could be for everyone on this road called life! I’ve found this concept applies to choosing Art Adventures too! When we own the decisions we’ve made, which I admit, can be hard at times, we can make new decisions that will change our direction and improve our outcomes. The choices are as numerous as the imagination will conjure.
The key to remember is that all decisions bring limits, compromises and change, but that’s not a bad thing. You can’t go back to the beginning of your story as you can in the child’s book, but you can choose your own adventure! “You are always one decision away from a totally different life.” (author unknown) Cheers! Patricia